*Courses are available for a defined period of time.

*Course information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or disease.

*Course information is not intended to be substituted for medical advice.

*Course information is not intended to substitute for a weight loss program, but can be used in conjunction with any weight loss endeavors.

*If you are enrolling in the course "33 Secrets and Solutions from the Most Effective Weight Loss Programs," THE SHORT ACCESS PASS PROVIDES 21 DAYS OF ACCESS TO THE COURSE. THE 21 DAYS STARTS THE DAY YOU PURCHASE ACCESS TO THE COURSE.

*If you are enrolling in and have paid for ACCESS to the course "Basic Nutrition Training for the Professional" you will have access to the course for 90 days.

*Your PAYMENT for a course or courses ONLY provides ACCESS to the course/s.

*No refunds are provided for students who pay for a course or courses, but do not utilize or complete a few, some, or any module/chapter activities in the course/s.

*No refunds are provided for students who pay for a course or courses, but do not complete the course module/chapter activities in the allotted time specified within respective course descriptions.

*No refunds are provided for students who pay for a course or courses and complete all module/chapter activities before their date of access is expired.

*If you would like continued access to any course, please e-mail [email protected] and a payment plan may be setup for additional time.

*In continuing to enroll and/or pay for a course, your agreement to the terms of services signifies that you HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE TO THE TERMS OF SERVICES HEREIN.